Trustless Engineering

Product Design


Designing Trust in Decentralized Finance


UX/UI Design, Product Design


Matt Pfeifer, Peter Mazzocco


The decentralized finance (DeFi) space is rife with potential, yet it remains a confusing and intimidating landscape for many. Trustless Engineering sought to change that narrative with SolanAI (now known as Block Assistant), an AI-powered chatbot designed to empower individuals by providing the financial agency necessary to navigate the complex world of cryptocurrency. As the lead product designer, my responsibility was to take developer-created low-fidelity wireframes and transform them into high-fidelity, visually compelling designs that were aligned with the company’s brand vision. The goal was to create an interface that attracted users and investors, building confidence in decentralized finance while ensuring rapid delivery with minimal research.

Project Brief

Trustless Engineering is a forward-thinking company that fosters trust in cryptocurrency and decentralized finance. The company’s primary objective was to build tools that help both businesses (via PRISM) and consumers (via SolanAI) make well-informed financial decisions. PRISM was the company’s B2B offering, an AI platform enabling developers to create AI agents tailored to their crypto financial products. SolanAI was their B2C product, leveraging PRISM’s technology to provide users with real-time insights, risk assessments, and transaction capabilities in the cryptocurrency space.

The SolanAI product was designed to be intuitive enough for novice users while offering advanced functionality for experienced crypto investors. However, the project’s limited user data and the founders' preference for rapid iteration meant that traditional user research was not part of the process. I was tasked with creating high-fidelity wireframes based solely on low-fidelity developer wireframes, ensuring the final product would not only be functional but visually polished, professional, and ready for investor involvement.


The primary challenge for this project was the lack of qualitative and quantitative data. The founders of Trustless Engineering had a philosophy of rapid design and iteration, opting to bypass traditional user research, user surveys, usability testing, and even the collection of user data during the product’s alpha release. This created a unique challenge: designing a user-friendly product with no clear sense of user behavior, pain points, or preferences.

Adding to this was the absence of historical data from the alpha release. Without any quantitative metrics to guide UX/UI decisions, I was left to find alternative means to gather insights and drive design decisions.

Another challenge stemmed from the target audience. Trustless Engineering’s mission was to demystify crypto for everyone, not just experienced traders. SolanAI had to be accessible, approachable, and easy to use while maintaining the complexity necessary to support in-depth financial decision-making. Achieving this balance without traditional research meant leaning heavily on design principles and competitive analysis.

I knew that understanding the competitive landscape was critical to designing a product that could stand out and serve its audience effectively. I began with a market and competitive analysis, examining similar products in the financial space to see how they presented information and supported user interaction.

Since SolanAI was the first of its kind, there were no direct competitors. I pivoted to analyzing financial tools and platforms like Coinbase, and Cash App to understand how they visually communicated complex data. These platforms provided insights into how users interact with crypto markets, risk analysis, and trading features. I then explored AI chatbots such as ChatGPT, and Perplexity to examine how they handled user interaction and how information was displayed in conversational interfaces.

A key takeaway from this analysis was that these platforms excelled in delivering large amounts of information. I needed to ensure that SolanAI was intuitive, reducing cognitive load while still being powerful enough for advanced users.

To address the lack of user data, I turned to social media platforms like X (formerly Twitter) where cryptocurrency conversations are abundant. This allowed me to see the types of questions that people were asking about crypto, what their pain points were, and what they needed to make more informed decisions. From these observations, I was able to curate a list of questions and concerns that could be translated into pre-made prompts within the chatbot interface.


Given the lack of data and the founders’ preference for rapid iterations, my strategy revolved around using best practices in UX/UI design to ensure an intuitive user experience. I leaned heavily on visual design principles like the Aesthetic-Usability Effect, Hick’s Law, and Jakob’s Law to guide my decisions.

A mobile-first approach was essential due to the dominance of mobile users in the crypto space. The interface needed to be optimized for smaller screens while still offering a robust experience on desktop. I aimed to reduce cognitive load by minimizing unnecessary information and giving users the tools they needed to make informed decisions quickly and easily.

The competitive analysis further revealed the importance of clear, actionable insights, which led to the development of pre-made prompts for SolanAI. These prompts, placed above the input box, helped bridge the gap between novice users and the complex world of crypto by suggesting relevant questions and guiding the user through the process. This reduced friction and allowed users to engage with SolanAI without needing extensive prior knowledge of cryptocurrency.


Trustless Engineering had previously developed PRISM, the visual design of SolanAI needed to be in harmony with their B2B product, creating a cohesive brand experience across the board. My design approach revolved around creating a polished, professional interface that was approachable, while also connecting the look and feel to PRISM as an ecosystem. 

The design was guided by several core principles:

  1. Mobile-First Design: Given that most crypto users prefer mobile platforms, I adopted a mobile-first approach. Designing for smaller screens first ensured that the most critical elements of the interface were prioritized and displayed clearly.

  2. Aesthetic-Usability Effect: I applied the Aesthetic-Usability Effect, which posits that users perceive aesthetically pleasing designs as easier to use. SolanAI’s interface needed to inspire confidence, so I focused on clean lines, simple color palettes, and visual cues that made the experience feel seamless and approachable.

  3. Jakob’s Law and Hick’s Law: These principles helped streamline the experience by ensuring users were presented with familiar patterns (Jakob’s Law) and by limiting the number of choices at any given moment (Hick’s Law). This was particularly important in the chatbot interface, where overwhelming the user with too many options could lead to frustration and abandonment.

  4. Pre-Made Prompts for Chat: Inspired by platforms like ChatGPT, I designed pre-made prompts to guide users through interactions with the chatbot. These prompts provided users with relevant, easy-to-understand starting points for their inquiries, reducing friction and making it easier for users to engage with the product.

  5. Branding Consistency with PRISM: I wanted SolanAI to be seen as an extension of Trustless Engineering’s PRISM platform. I developed a design system based on PRISM’s branding—drawing inspiration from the concept of a prism refracting light into a rainbow of colors. This translated into SolanAI’s design through color palettes and typography that were visually similar to PRISM but felt distinct enough to stand on its own as a product.

I worked with Matt Pfeifer, the CEO of Trustless Engineering, and Peter Mazzocco, the Lead Front-End Developer, to align the design with the company’s overall vision. We collaborated on the idea of pre-made prompts, recognizing their value in reducing cognitive load and enhancing user experience.

As we refined the design, we ensured that the design language was cohesive with PRISM’s ecosystem, creating a consistent experience across Trustless Engineering’s suite of products. This was crucial for the company’s long-term vision of creating an interconnected network of tools that would eventually establish trust in decentralized finance.


Designing SolanAI was a challenging yet rewarding experience that showcased my ability to work within tight constraints and still deliver a polished, professional product. By relying on competitive analysis, design principles, and creative problem-solving, I provided a polished interface that aligned with Trustless Engineering’s vision of empowering users through decentralized finance.

The project provided several key insights:

  1. Thinking Outside the Box for Research: When traditional research methods weren’t available, I learned to think creatively about where to gather user insights. Social media platforms like X proved invaluable for understanding user needs and guiding design decisions.

  2. Creating an Ecosystem of Products: My focus on creating a cohesive design language across Trustless Engineering’s products ensured that SolanAI felt like a natural extension of PRISM. This not only strengthened the brand but also created a more intuitive user experience for those familiar with the company’s offerings.

  3. Adapting to Rapid Iteration: The fast-paced nature of the project reinforced the importance of adaptability. While I would have preferred more time for research and testing, I learned how to leverage best practices and competitive analysis to deliver a high-quality product on a tight timeline.

Though the product was still being developed when my contract ended, I believe the foundations laid in the visual design and user experience will continue to benefit the product as it evolves.

Trustless Engineering

Product Design


Designing Trust in Decentralized Finance


UX/UI Design, Product Design


Matt Pfeifer, Peter Mazzocco


The decentralized finance (DeFi) space is rife with potential, yet it remains a confusing and intimidating landscape for many. Trustless Engineering sought to change that narrative with SolanAI (now known as Block Assistant), an AI-powered chatbot designed to empower individuals by providing the financial agency necessary to navigate the complex world of cryptocurrency. As the lead product designer, my responsibility was to take developer-created low-fidelity wireframes and transform them into high-fidelity, visually compelling designs that were aligned with the company’s brand vision. The goal was to create an interface that attracted users and investors, building confidence in decentralized finance while ensuring rapid delivery with minimal research.

Project Brief

Trustless Engineering is a forward-thinking company that fosters trust in cryptocurrency and decentralized finance. The company’s primary objective was to build tools that help both businesses (via PRISM) and consumers (via SolanAI) make well-informed financial decisions. PRISM was the company’s B2B offering, an AI platform enabling developers to create AI agents tailored to their crypto financial products. SolanAI was their B2C product, leveraging PRISM’s technology to provide users with real-time insights, risk assessments, and transaction capabilities in the cryptocurrency space.

The SolanAI product was designed to be intuitive enough for novice users while offering advanced functionality for experienced crypto investors. However, the project’s limited user data and the founders' preference for rapid iteration meant that traditional user research was not part of the process. I was tasked with creating high-fidelity wireframes based solely on low-fidelity developer wireframes, ensuring the final product would not only be functional but visually polished, professional, and ready for investor involvement.


The primary challenge for this project was the lack of qualitative and quantitative data. The founders of Trustless Engineering had a philosophy of rapid design and iteration, opting to bypass traditional user research, user surveys, usability testing, and even the collection of user data during the product’s alpha release. This created a unique challenge: designing a user-friendly product with no clear sense of user behavior, pain points, or preferences.

Adding to this was the absence of historical data from the alpha release. Without any quantitative metrics to guide UX/UI decisions, I was left to find alternative means to gather insights and drive design decisions.

Another challenge stemmed from the target audience. Trustless Engineering’s mission was to demystify crypto for everyone, not just experienced traders. SolanAI had to be accessible, approachable, and easy to use while maintaining the complexity necessary to support in-depth financial decision-making. Achieving this balance without traditional research meant leaning heavily on design principles and competitive analysis.

I knew that understanding the competitive landscape was critical to designing a product that could stand out and serve its audience effectively. I began with a market and competitive analysis, examining similar products in the financial space to see how they presented information and supported user interaction.

Since SolanAI was the first of its kind, there were no direct competitors. I pivoted to analyzing financial tools and platforms like Coinbase, and Cash App to understand how they visually communicated complex data. These platforms provided insights into how users interact with crypto markets, risk analysis, and trading features. I then explored AI chatbots such as ChatGPT, and Perplexity to examine how they handled user interaction and how information was displayed in conversational interfaces.

A key takeaway from this analysis was that these platforms excelled in delivering large amounts of information. I needed to ensure that SolanAI was intuitive, reducing cognitive load while still being powerful enough for advanced users.

To address the lack of user data, I turned to social media platforms like X (formerly Twitter) where cryptocurrency conversations are abundant. This allowed me to see the types of questions that people were asking about crypto, what their pain points were, and what they needed to make more informed decisions. From these observations, I was able to curate a list of questions and concerns that could be translated into pre-made prompts within the chatbot interface.


Given the lack of data and the founders’ preference for rapid iterations, my strategy revolved around using best practices in UX/UI design to ensure an intuitive user experience. I leaned heavily on visual design principles like the Aesthetic-Usability Effect, Hick’s Law, and Jakob’s Law to guide my decisions.

A mobile-first approach was essential due to the dominance of mobile users in the crypto space. The interface needed to be optimized for smaller screens while still offering a robust experience on desktop. I aimed to reduce cognitive load by minimizing unnecessary information and giving users the tools they needed to make informed decisions quickly and easily.

The competitive analysis further revealed the importance of clear, actionable insights, which led to the development of pre-made prompts for SolanAI. These prompts, placed above the input box, helped bridge the gap between novice users and the complex world of crypto by suggesting relevant questions and guiding the user through the process. This reduced friction and allowed users to engage with SolanAI without needing extensive prior knowledge of cryptocurrency.


Trustless Engineering had previously developed PRISM, the visual design of SolanAI needed to be in harmony with their B2B product, creating a cohesive brand experience across the board. My design approach revolved around creating a polished, professional interface that was approachable, while also connecting the look and feel to PRISM as an ecosystem. 

The design was guided by several core principles:

  1. Mobile-First Design: Given that most crypto users prefer mobile platforms, I adopted a mobile-first approach. Designing for smaller screens first ensured that the most critical elements of the interface were prioritized and displayed clearly.

  2. Aesthetic-Usability Effect: I applied the Aesthetic-Usability Effect, which posits that users perceive aesthetically pleasing designs as easier to use. SolanAI’s interface needed to inspire confidence, so I focused on clean lines, simple color palettes, and visual cues that made the experience feel seamless and approachable.

  3. Jakob’s Law and Hick’s Law: These principles helped streamline the experience by ensuring users were presented with familiar patterns (Jakob’s Law) and by limiting the number of choices at any given moment (Hick’s Law). This was particularly important in the chatbot interface, where overwhelming the user with too many options could lead to frustration and abandonment.

  4. Pre-Made Prompts for Chat: Inspired by platforms like ChatGPT, I designed pre-made prompts to guide users through interactions with the chatbot. These prompts provided users with relevant, easy-to-understand starting points for their inquiries, reducing friction and making it easier for users to engage with the product.

  5. Branding Consistency with PRISM: I wanted SolanAI to be seen as an extension of Trustless Engineering’s PRISM platform. I developed a design system based on PRISM’s branding—drawing inspiration from the concept of a prism refracting light into a rainbow of colors. This translated into SolanAI’s design through color palettes and typography that were visually similar to PRISM but felt distinct enough to stand on its own as a product.

I worked with Matt Pfeifer, the CEO of Trustless Engineering, and Peter Mazzocco, the Lead Front-End Developer, to align the design with the company’s overall vision. We collaborated on the idea of pre-made prompts, recognizing their value in reducing cognitive load and enhancing user experience.

As we refined the design, we ensured that the design language was cohesive with PRISM’s ecosystem, creating a consistent experience across Trustless Engineering’s suite of products. This was crucial for the company’s long-term vision of creating an interconnected network of tools that would eventually establish trust in decentralized finance.


Designing SolanAI was a challenging yet rewarding experience that showcased my ability to work within tight constraints and still deliver a polished, professional product. By relying on competitive analysis, design principles, and creative problem-solving, I provided a polished interface that aligned with Trustless Engineering’s vision of empowering users through decentralized finance.

The project provided several key insights:

  1. Thinking Outside the Box for Research: When traditional research methods weren’t available, I learned to think creatively about where to gather user insights. Social media platforms like X proved invaluable for understanding user needs and guiding design decisions.

  2. Creating an Ecosystem of Products: My focus on creating a cohesive design language across Trustless Engineering’s products ensured that SolanAI felt like a natural extension of PRISM. This not only strengthened the brand but also created a more intuitive user experience for those familiar with the company’s offerings.

  3. Adapting to Rapid Iteration: The fast-paced nature of the project reinforced the importance of adaptability. While I would have preferred more time for research and testing, I learned how to leverage best practices and competitive analysis to deliver a high-quality product on a tight timeline.

Though the product was still being developed when my contract ended, I believe the foundations laid in the visual design and user experience will continue to benefit the product as it evolves.

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© 2024 — Nick Souza

© 2024 — Nick Souza

© 2024 — Nick Souza